Feeling lonely when among friends? Feeling blue when you work? Not enjoying your hobbies anymore? What you feel may not be a fleeting emotional state but an unexplainable emptiness of your soul.
Spiritual emptiness stems from a feeling of helplessness. It can also be because you have poured your cup dry. Physical changes in your environment can also create a void in your psyche.
When you’re spiritually empty, you may find it hard to do the things you regularly did before. That’s why it’s important to know about spiritual emptiness, its signs, and how to overcome it.
What is Spiritual Emptiness?
Spiritual emptiness is a state everyone on their spiritual journey finds themselves in once in a while. It causes a person to feel drained, exhausted, and unable to do spiritual practices that they could easily do before.
Being spiritually empty can also indicate that you find it difficult to engage in spiritual experiences. You may be tired or feel the need to withdraw from society — or from life itself.
When you feel spiritually empty, it’s important to take the time to recharge spiritually. Understand that you’ll feel better soon, but for the moment, you need to give yourself the rest you deserve.
Why Do You Feel Spiritually Empty?
There are many reasons for you to feel spiritually empty. You may have been working hard at your spiritual practices. You may feel tired and need to take a break. This can happen especially with people who follow a rigorous spiritual schedule without breaks.
Another time you can feel spiritually empty is when you find yourself experiencing sadness. Whether due to life circumstances, memories, or other events, you may find yourself spiritually depleted.
Ten Signs You’re Spiritually Empty
Before recharging spiritually, you’ll need to ascertain that you feel spiritually empty. Here are signs that you’re feeling spiritually empty.
1. You Feel Blue.
Feeling emotional is an important sign that you’re spiritually empty. Sadness and spiritual emptiness go hand in hand.
There may be legitimate reasons behind your sadness, or you may be dealing with long-term issues. However long you may feel sad, feeling blue is often one of the first signs of spiritual emptiness.
2. You Feel Anxious.
When you feel spiritually empty, you may also be more prone to anxiety. This is when you may be overthinking or unable to ground yourself as you normally would.
You may worry about events in your life and feel you have little to no control over what happens to you. These are often signs that you’re feeling spiritually empty.
With time and healing, the feeling of anxiety will go away.
3. You Want to Withdraw from Society.
You may also want to withdraw from society when you feel spiritually empty. You may want to avoid communicating with people regularly and may prefer to spend more time alone.
You can turn down invitations from family members and friends and not even interact with them on social media.
You’ll prefer to be alone and actively choose not to spend time with other people. While spending time alone is healthy in small doses, you can feel isolated if you spend too much time alone.
4. You Can’t Feel Grounded.
When you’re spiritually fulfilled, then you’ll feel grounded as well. Feeling grounded refers to being attentive to the present and being in control of yourself.
If you feel spiritually empty, however, you won’t be able to do this. Grounding yourself can feel difficult, and you can feel your thoughts straying. You may also feel you have no control over yourself or your circumstances.
During these times, focusing on grounding exercises can help you overcome the issue. With time, you’ll heal spiritually and be more capable of grounding yourself easily.
5. You Feel Spiritually Stagnant.
A huge indication that you may feel spiritually empty is that you’ve entered a slump regarding your spiritual growth.
You may feel like you can’t make any spiritual progress, no matter how hard you try. This can also happen when you reach a plateau on the path to your spiritual growth.
You may feel that there’s no more spiritual growth you can access and instead feel helpless when it comes to spirituality. Feeling stagnant is a prominent sign that you may be feeling spiritually empty.
6. You Feel Tired and Lethargic.
Feeling tired and lethargic is another sign that you’re spiritually empty. You may find it difficult to do daily tasks or even care for yourself.
Depending on how spiritually empty you are, even self-care can feel like an issue. You may find yourself sleeping more often or needing to sleep. You may also want to avoid physical exercise and rest more.
Consider giving yourself the rest you need, as it can then enable you to recharge faster. After you recharge, you won’t feel spiritually empty anymore.
7. You Aren’t Following Your Life’s Purpose.
You can follow your spiritual path when you’re spiritually active and charged up. You do everything you need to do to reach your highest potential and are more capable of achieving your best.
However, when you’re spiritually empty, you find it difficult to follow your path. Instead, you’ll be more likely to recluse yourself from your path, sometimes choosing to avoid it altogether.
Not following your life’s purpose is a strong sign that you aren’t spiritually fulfilled and may stray from your life’s purpose.
8. You Find It Difficult to Focus.
When you feel spiritually empty, focusing may also be difficult. You may find yourself overthinking or dealing with different thoughts in your head.
You may be inattentive when it comes to your daily chores. You may also find yourself dealing with anxiety or worry.
Being focused can be difficult when you’re spiritually empty, as you’re more likely to deal with multitudinous thoughts. As you become more spiritually grounded, however, you’ll find it easier to focus.
9. Your Appetite is Affected.
The amount of food you consume can also be affected when you feel spiritually empty. You may find yourself consuming too little or too much food.
When you’re spiritually empty, you may find that you aren’t following your regular eating schedule. You may also start craving your comfort foods.
Taking care of yourself and your needs is okay when you feel spiritually empty. Consider taking a few days off to eat well, rest, and recharge before returning to your daily schedule.
10. You Aren’t As Productive.
When you feel spiritually empty, you may not feel like working as hard as you used to. This can affect your productivity.
When you aren’t productive, your workflow can suffer. Take care of yourself when you feel spiritually empty. That can enable you to return to being productive and follow your life’s path.
Eleven Ways to Overcome Spiritual Emptiness.
1. Recognize the emptiness.
The first step to healing yourself is acknowledging that you are not doing well. When you admit the void feeling to yourself, you undercut the power it has over you.
Confessing to yourself is the best way to combat the power the feeling has over you. Once you have nothing to hide from yourself, you will regain control over your emotions. Remember to be gentle on your soul but not so gentle in your resolve.
2. Do not fight it.
The whole process of overcoming the emptiness in your heart is centered around allowing it to flow over you without taking over you. Friction with the hollow feeling in your chest will only drag you deeper into its mess.
As you continue this path of non-confrontation, you will see it welt to a powerless mass that you can remove forever.
At first, you will feel the emotions intensifying, but do not yield. Calmly reason to yourself that you are a much higher being than mere insecurities. Your weapon against hollow emotions is your active disengagement.
3. Analyze what causes it.
The next step in the self-recovery process is to find the root of your ill feelings. Sit back and analyze what caused the feelings and why they are attached to you.
Feel free to go back to the farthest time in your childhood. A lot of childhood emotional trauma translates as spiritual baggage in adulthood. Be careful not to attach hate or shame as you peruse through your childhood memories.
Note that the sole purpose of this exercise is to identify and understand the root of your spiritual emptiness. Be kind and gentle to your younger self and all the other characters you encounter during your journey down memory lane.
Identify any unresolved and unfounded fear you may have. Identify any feelings of guilt or hatred that you may have accumulated over the years.
Know that you are more mature and can handle bad feelings with unbounded understanding.
4. Let the past go.
You have now finished the most important part of your healing process. Once you have analyzed where the emptiness springs from, you can confidently overcome the feeling by resolving the underlying issues.
This step calls for a deep understanding that you can disassociate from your emotions and still be all you want to be. Your character is inherently you, not your emotions.
Having this firm belief tenderly unknot your emotional attachments from your soul. Do not rush the process. Take the time to respect your past and grow out of it.
Remove the guilt or shame you have carried on your soul for this long. Forgive each person that you hold responsible for some of your failures.
Forgive yourself for not taking the chance that you regret now. Realize that you might be a victim of circumstance at times and that it is okay.
5. Map out the path to resolution.
You have made it through the major part of your healing process. By this time, you can feel the emptiness slowly fading away and dissolving into your psyche.
The next steps in this exercise are ensuring that the feeling of emptiness does not recur and improving your spiritual health.
Resolving your feelings is the next natural step after recognizing and analyzing them. Love yourself with reckless abandon and forgive yourself for every mistake.
Draw a clear mental map for your path to resolving emotional issues. Your resolution should involve positive emotions to feed your spiritual condition. It should involve patience, forgiveness, understanding, and love.
6. Interact with like-minded people.
The fact that you are never alone makes it easier to cope with the emotional emptiness. There is a whole tribe of people who are like you. Nobody else will have the exact experiences as you, but they can sympathize with your condition and offer support.
Consider talking to a person in your life who is most aligned with your experiences. You can also explore social media to find groups or pages dedicated to uplifting people’s souls.
Daily positive reinforcement helps you stay where you want to be. It will ensure a heightened understanding that there are people who share an experience with you. It will give you a sense of community.
7. Develop a sense of purpose in life.
An enhanced sense of your life’s purpose is the kryptonite for that empty feeling in your soul. Be enthusiastic about all that you can achieve in life. Recognize the gift of life and plan on how to use it.
Having a strong sense of purpose will keep your feet on solid ground. Stay aware of the different stages of life. And pass each stage with resolve and a high level of joy.
Fill your psyche with so much happiness that the hollow feeling does not have anything to latch on to.
8. Plant positive thoughts each day.
Each day, every time you wake up, shower yourself with positive self-affirmation. Remind yourself that each day is a blessing and you can overcome the daily challenges you’ll face.
Words have energy. Remember that you become what you think, what you say, and what you feel.
9. Cherish your soul.
Keeping the hollowness of your soul at bay is a periodic process. There are many methods to ensure you do not give your power to those emotions.
Meditation and exercise are the foremost methods to maintain good spiritual health. It is a time to reflect on how bad thoughts creep into your brain and study their pattern of occurrences.
Move and shake your energy immediately when you recognize the feeling creeping over you again.
Helping others in need is also a good way to shake your energy. It will subconsciously add to the happy parts of your psyche and let you radiate with joy.
10. Follow your heart.
The easiest idea to endorse is to follow your heart to stay happy. Do what makes your heart sing. The hollow feeling is the reaction to the lack of creative ideas that feed your soul.
Rekindle your artistic side that has been lying low for a long time. Do not wait for motivation. Start doing what would make your heart flutter, and the motivation will find you.
All it needs to do is take your mind off any negative feelings that might want to take you down. Start with confidence and make sure not to judge yourself harshly for doing what seems right.
11. Commend yourself.
The vital element of the many things you can do when you feel spiritually empty is complimenting yourself. Nobody can make you feel wanted and happy if you do not help yourself.
Stay away from people who do not see your worth. It won’t be easy to handle your negativities and those brought on by others during your healing time.
After you accomplish your goals, pat yourself on the back. Acknowledge that you have completed a task. And stay in a state of happiness with confidence.
Final Thoughts
Spiritual emptiness can stem from difficult situations and emotions you have suppressed for a long time.
When you feel spiritually empty, the first thing to do is relax. Understand that you need to take the time to recharge and that feeling spiritually empty from time to time is completely normal.
Allow yourself to take a break from your routine, and be compassionate towards yourself. Pay attention to your needs and wants until you feel ready to start recharging yourself spiritually.
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