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When it comes to dealing with difficult circumstances, a fearless woman is a force to be reckoned with. They are confident in who they are and what they think, and their fearlessness inspires others to be brave. Also, it makes a difference through their example. While many people think of men first when they think of powerful figures, several strong women in the Bible inspire. It is not only because of how they lived but also because of their unwavering faith. Even in the most challenging times, they believed in their faith and the God.

Today, we are telling 10 tales of the strong women in the Bible, who ought to be the role models of children today. Parenting Christian children in a world that offers a plethora of secular role models for our daughters is not easy. All you can do is inspire your daughters (and sons!) with tales of courageous women who changed the world through the pages in the Holy Book.

The belief of Ruth:

Many people are captivated and challenged by Ruth’s tales. She is a widow from an enemy country with no future. Ruth is living in Moab at the start of the book, a place and people that the Israelites frowned upon. Ruth must have been in agonies because she didn’t let her past hold her back. Ruth’s faith was impressive for such a young believer. She had faith that God was who He said He was. She had faith that God would provide for her and Naomi. Her bravery, faith, and obedience will inspire us to be better Christians.

The faithfulness of Hannah:

Hannah is a strong woman in the Bible, who is remembered for a variety of reasons. We know her for her anguish. She yearned for a child but was unable to have one due to her infertility. She prayed to God for a son and vowed to devote his life to the service of God. She had a son, called him Samuel, and followed through on her vow. Her son grew up to be one of the Bible’s most prominent and Godly figures. Hannah’s persistence in believing that God will hear her prayer is one of her most inspiring qualities. Hannah’s fervent prayer and vow teach us that coherent faithfulness and constant prayers attract God’s attention.

The wisdom of Deborah:

Deborah is known for her wisdom, bravery, and compassionate zeal for justice. She was a prophet and judge in Israel. She exemplified leadership in a way that was unusual in her culture at the time. Deborah was one of the few women in the Bible to rise to positions of national leadership. One of the reasons she stood out was her spiritual as well as civil leadership. During those years of prolonged turbulence, she was the only female judge. She is an example of a woman who believed in God and rose to be a light to her people. Deborah inspired many of her countrymen to serve God and their faith at a time when it was needed.

The Holy tale of Mother Mary:

Mary, Jesus’ mother, is one of the most admired figures in Scripture, and many believe her to be the greatest of all Christian saints. She was a willing servant who believed in God and followed His instructions. While her life was full of honor, her calling also demanded a lot of pain. Though there was a pleasure in motherhood, there was also great pain in the honor of being the Messiah’s mother. Regardless, she replied to God with great obedience and submission to His plan. Her life never detracted from Jesus’ glory, because her mission was to witness the glory of the Son of God. She gave up her life and her reputation for God’s reasons. Her submission demonstrates that when we give our lives to the Lord, He will do amazing things. Thus, she is divine and named as one of the strong women in the Bible.

The story of Jehosheba:

Jehosheba, King Joram’s daughter, was gripped by the power of maternal instinct and escaped risk to save her son’s life, thus helping to secure Israel’s future. When Athaliah, the Queen Mother, learned that her uncle, King Ahaziah, had died, she had the entire royal family executed to maintain her position as Queen of Judah. Jehosheba, on the other hand, twisted the plans. She rescued her infant nephew, prince Joash, who was the only survivor of the bloodshed. Seven years after the slaughter, her priestly husband, Jehoiada, restored Joash on to the throne. The royal line of David was maintained due to Jehosheba’s courage.

The midwives named Shiphrah and Puah:

Shiphrah and Puah were also strong women in the Bible. They were Hebrew midwives when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt before Moses drove them out in the Exodus. When Joseph was Pharoah’s second-in-command, the people of Israel—family—had Joseph’s fled to Egypt to escape the famine in their homeland. In Egypt, a new Pharaoh emerged who had no knowledge of Joseph or cared about his history as a leader in Egypt. He was scared that the people of Israel would become greater than him and attempt to take over. So, he sold them as slaves. Pharaoh also went to the Hebrew midwives Shiphrah and Puah and ordered them to kill all male children born to Israelite women. Shiphrah and Puah, on the other hand, hated God and refused to do as Pharaoh demanded. God defended them and built strong families for them when Pharaoh faced them.

Shiphrah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives, demonstrated bravery and strength in the face of grave peril from the world’s most powerful king. They decided to trust and pursue God over the human king.

The faith of Mary Magdalene:

Mary Magdalene was delivered from a life of demonic oppression and witnessed Christ’s resurrected power. As a result, she was among the first to proclaim the risen Christ. Many popular representations of Mary Magdalene do not do her narrative justice or speak to her true identity as a disciple of Christ. Despite being reinterpreted numerous times, she remains a powerful and enigmatic figure. When Mary and the other ladies, along with the twelve, decided to follow Jesus, they were taking a significant risk. The arrest of John the Baptist galvanized Jesus into action. The majority of John the Baptist’s preaching took place on Jordan’s east bank, in Herod’s territory of Parea. When John was imprisoned, Jesus began his ministry in Herod’s territory of Galilee. Herod saw as both a challenge and a threat. Despite the danger, Mary Magdalene remained dedicated to Jesus’ ministry.

The selflessness of Rahab:

Rahab was a woman with a poor reputation in the ancient city of Jericho, where two Israeli spies had gone to see if they could conquer the land. Rahab was a Canaanite, but she believed in the God of Israel. She concealed the spies on the roof of her home, which was built into the city wall when they arrived in Jericho. When the king’s messengers arrived to inquire about the spies, Rahab led them on a wild goose hunt down the road that led to the Jordan River. When Israel conquered Jericho, they saved Rahab and her entire family, as promised. Rahab became Boaz’s mum and King David’s great-great-grandmother. Rahab became a descendant of Jesus Christ because of her faith in God and devotion to His people.

Rahab is one of the strong women in the Bible who demonstrated bravery, boldness, strength, and loyalty to God in the face of great danger from the king of her city, Jericho. Rahab wanted to seek God when no one else in her city did, and as a result, she was the only one rescued in her city. 

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The savior named Priscilla: 

Aquila, Priscilla’s husband, and Priscilla herself, both were tent makers. When Paul visited Corinth, he stayed at their house. Because they were Jewish, Priscilla and Aquila were expelled from Rome. Women were valued and viewed as leaders at the time. Priscilla and Aquila accompanied Paul on one of his missionary trips and travelled in Ephesus. They assisted a young teacher called Apollos in learning more about the gospel and becoming a better teacher while in Ephesus. She accompanied Paul on his mission to spread the gospel. She welcomed him into her home and assisted in caring for her family. And she corrected Apollos, allowing him to hear more about Jesus. Priscilla exemplifies how to educate and beautifully share the Gospel.  

The richness of Achsah:

In the Bible, Achsah is the daughter of Caleb, a friend of Joshua. Caleb offers his daughter Achsah to whoever takes the village, and Othniel, Kenaz’s son, accepts the challenge. He is successful and marries Achsah. She also brought a lot of land with her. Achsah arrived with a large tract of land known as the Negev. The Negev noted for its aridity, and Achsah requests water from her father. Caleb refers to her springs as the higher and lower springs. She leapt faith and alleged extra blessings for her family because she dared to ask for more. Our heavenly Father is ready and eager to bless us, and we must approach Him with the same faith.

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Fear is something that all these people have felt at some point in their lives- it’s a natural part of being human. Despite how overwhelmed they were as a result of their anxiety, they were able to break through and become change-agents as a result of it. These strong women in the Bible may have lived in communities and times very different from ours, but their stories can teach us tremendous value. We can see from their experiences that we can’t live a fearless life. So we can live a life, where we know God and don’t let fear hold us back from accomplishing big things.