


Spiritual & Religious Living

Image Source Spirituality is a very broad concept that connects various aspects of life together. To arrange it into simple words, spirituality means connecting ourselves to something bigger than ourselves, which is usually practiced to search for meaning in our…


What happens after Kundalini Awakening

Image source – Pixabay The world is filled with hidden energies that are continuously in motion around us. It contains both external and internal energy. Harnessing these energies gives us an extra edge to understand ourselves and the entire existence….


What is the true meaning of power?

Image source – Pixabay The story of Alexander the Great and Kalanos is the best example of true power and pseudo power. The Greek Historian Plutarch has recorded that, Alexander during a run into India heard of the saint Kalanos….


Building a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection

Image credit Mentions of fortresses can appear in the annals of early recordings of human civilizations and settlements. Societies built fortresses according to their development and knowledge to ward off invasion by another group. Fortresses Developed as Societies Developed When…